Primula are always a sure sign that spring is on its way. While these sweet little flowers often find their place in our homes in the early months of the year, they really aren't meant to grow as a houseplant. They will grow nicely indoors for several months, and may even bloom more than once, but in order for them to live for multiple years they will need to be planted outdoors and grow as a perennial.
When primula are indoors they prefer to have bright indirect light. If they are placed in too hot of direct light the leaves can scorch (especially if they are dry). A north or east window would be ideal - however they can be grown near a south or west window provided the light isn't too harsh in the afternoon.
Primula require frequent watering when indoors, but will not tolerate sitting in water. Try to ensure that they have proper drainage and are permitted to get a bit dry between waterings. When watering, try to water under the leaves. This can be achieved by lifting the leaves before watering or by placing the pot in a shallow pan of water for several minutes to soak up water from the bottom of the growing pot (provided there are adequate holes in the bottom).
Once the outside ground is thawed you can plant your primula outdoors - this is usually sometime in late April. Primula love the cooler temperatures so don't worry about them getting frost on the cool spring nights. Try to find a semi-shaded/shaded location to grow primula, otherwise they will likely get scorched during the hot days of July & August.
While Primula do not require much fertilizer, they will benefit from the occasional feeding of a bloom booster -- and really thrive when fed Jack's Petunia Feed. With all fertilizers use them at a reduced concentration.
For more information check out our YouTube video: